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The world of SEO businesses is fast paced and ever-changing, it's defiantly not for those with the "she'll be right mate" attitude, in fact, it needs constant attention to stay on top and keep your clients on top as well. This is why they come to you a professional SEO company in Singapore.

Exposure to the right audience, your target audience is the key to success and SEO is all about putting you right in front of your target audience. There will always be new things happening and new mistakes to be made, new challenges to conquer, algorithms and changes to overcome constantly checking everything, then being able to learn from and correct mistakes quickly that makes the difference.


Set up change alerts so you know of changes before they become an issue. Use Tools for set ups so they will instantly notify of any changes in content or codes. Fine tune it and prioritize important changes and record unimportant changes


Keep a Change Log of all comments and recommendations of everyone who has input to the site. Using free Apps like Base camp, Google Drive and drop box store everything to be instantly available if needed


Organization is the key Share your change log with your teammates and client so everyone is on the same page and the chances of communication errors are kept to a minimum re are no mistakes



Analytic Annotations are important so you always have a record of the changes and what the responses to those changes were, especially SEO updates and when a page is updated you can see when it happened? Why it happened? And the outcome or effect of the change

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